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Tami Mensh

Tami Mensh

Tami serves spiritual and creative people on a journey to fullness of expression, joy, inner wisdom and a remembrance of their true nature. She is a loving catalyst that helps find deeper meaning and truth to create congruence and integrity between what we feel on the inside, and how we show up on the outside. 

As a professor at Sofia University, circle leader, certified coach, and guide of processes of the human spirit, Tami’s special sauce is palpable energy blended with her Masters education in Transpersonal Psychology, depth of experience in transformative coaching, and over 30 years immersed in the business of marketing and entrepreneurship. Lover of Paradox, Pickleball, Pinot Grigio, Patchouli, Peloton, Pearl Jam, Plant Medicine, and our Beautiful Planet. 

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